Thursday, February 6, 2014

Exploring Your Investment Choices

Who wants to invest like a millionaire?
Having a million dollars isn’t nearly as rare as it
used to be. In fact, according to the Spectrem
Group, a firm that conducts research on wealth,
8 million U.S. households now have at least $1
million in wealth (excluding the value of their
primary home). More than 1 million households
have $5 million or more in wealth.
Interestingly, households with wealth of at
least $1 million rarely let financial advisors
direct their investments. Only one of ten such

households allows advisors to call the shots
and make the moves, whereas 30 percent don’t
use any advisors at all. The remaining 60 percent consult an advisor on an as-needed basis
and then make their own moves.
As in past surveys, recent wealth surveys show
that affluent investors achieved and built on
their wealth with ownership investments, such
as their own small businesses, real estate, and

Ultimately, to make your money grow much faster than inflation and taxes,
you must absolutely, positively do at least one thing — take some risk. Any
investment that has real growth potential also has shrinkage potential! You
may not want to take the risk or may not have the stomach for it.

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