Friday, December 6, 2013

Entering the stock market

Stocks, which are shares of ownership in a company, are an example of an
ownership investment. If you want to share in the growth and profits of companies like Apple, you can! You simply buy shares of their stock through a
brokerage firm. However, even if Apple makes money in the future, you can’t
guarantee that the value of its stock will increase.
Some companies today sell their stock directly to investors, allowing you to
bypass brokers. You can also invest in stocks via a stock mutual fund, where
a fund manager decides which individual stocks to include in the fund.
You don’t need an MBA or a PhD to make money in the stock market. If you
can practice some simple lessons, such as making regular and systematic
investments and investing in proven companies and funds while minimizing
your investment expenses and taxes, you’ll be a winner.
However, I don’t believe you can “beat the markets,” and you certainly can’t
beat the best professional money managers at their own, full-time game. This
book shows you time-proven, nongimmicky methods to make your money
grow in the stock market as well as in other financial markets.